Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Amazing Health Benefits Of Endorphin Meditation

By Bodel Rikys

Boosting your endorphin levels can help you feel much better in the approach to a stressful special occasion or event. Far from being overwhelmed with anxiety and stress as the occasion approaches, you can feel calm and in control.

Your basic feelings and attitudes can be managed regardless of what is going on around you - assuming you've learnt the skills to cope.

The intimate connection between your mind-brain, your nervous system and your glandular system, means you can calm and strengthen your core even in provocative situations.

Just Relax

You will find endorphin meditation to be a very enjoyable and effective way to health improvement. Your meditation instructor will guide you gently into triggering endorphins. These are the hormones that make you feel good. At the same time they turn off stess hormones like adrenalin and cortisol. Endorphins are natural opiates, removing stress and pain. By relaxing tissues they provide feelings of contentment both physically and mentally.

Trigger Endorphins At Any Time

Stress hormones contract muscles, getting us ready to take physical action. If they are not used for this purpose, they can get locked into the tissues creating chronic anxiety or discomfort. It is the experience of pleasure that produces endorphins but this need not be real, it can be imagined. The memory of a beautiful experience can be used as a gateway to the meditative state. Once triggered, endorphins can be guided around the body by the mind for the benefit of one's health.

You Just Have To Think

To bolster your endorphin levels, think about an event, a person, an activity or a place that makes you feel good. Experience it. Feel the pleasure in your body and let it deepen. This good feeling comes from the endorphins. Now imagine the endorphins as a golden stream of oil. Now use your mind to guide this stream of oil around your body. Enjoy!

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