Friday, January 30, 2009

Do You Need To Lose A Few Pounds

By Cathy Maree

In today's less active world most of us live at a slow pace, doing nothing quickly except gaining unwanted weight. Modern American life is very comfortable, and requires a lot less effort than life required in the past. More people drive more places, do less physical work, and have modern appliances and conveniences to carry the load.

When that fact is combined with the high amount of processed and preserved food that we consume, the result is all too certain. Fat is part of American life the way damp is part of water. Obesity is more than just a matter of looks. Hypertension, stroke and heart disease can all result from carrying too much weight. In other words, too much unwanted weight can not only cost you a date, it could end up costing you your life. For this reason, many of us need to consider weight loss through a diet. And for most people with tight budgets, without much extra to spend, free diet programs are the best.

Free diet programs are all around us. Some work, many do not, but all the good ones are best implemented as part of an overall healthy lifestyle. The best way to lose weight is natural, healthy, simple, and best of all it's free. Lower your caloric intake while at the same time raise the number of calories you burn through working out.

While exercise will make you fitter, exercise alone will not let you lose weight. Likewise, if you don't add more physical activity chances are you won't be able to eat little enough to lose weight. Combine the two as part of a normal, sustainable routine to take off the weight and keep off the weight.

Want a simple way to reduce caloric intake without the expense of specialty diet programs that include expensive food? Eat smaller portions. That's right. Keep eating precisely what you now eat, but cut down the portions. There are a lot of sources to find the caloric and nutritional value of foods when planning portion reduction. Drop 90,000 calories a year, for the typical person, simply by replacing soda and juice with water. Or, if you like tea or coffee drink those. The caffeine in regular coffee and tea helps speed the metabolism and that means burning calories.

What about exercise? Forget working out only five days a week. Vigorous aerobic exercise, meaning you work up a sweat, is best as an every day activity at least 30 minutes each day. Kick that up a step with extra physical movement such as parking further from the office or stores for a short walk, taking stairs instead of elevators, and using hand tools for daily or weekly chores.

Free fast weight loss isn't impossible with a little knowledge and planning. It won't be long before you're slimmer and trimmer.

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