Friday, August 1, 2008

Top 10 Best NES Games of All time

By Jon Ferraro

It's pretty hard coming up with the 10 best NES games of all time, but here is mine:

10) Duck Hunt - No other shooting NES game comes close to this classic. I'm sure many NES systems were sold just because it came with this game.

9) Ice Climber - It's a cult classic. I know it's not the most advanced gameplay ever concocted but it's still a blast to play, even to this day.

8) Metroid - A truly one of a kind a game. It started the monster series that we all enjoy today on the Nintendo Wii.

7) Zelda II: The Adventure of Link - This may be a bit controversial. I know the game is not loved by many Zelda fans. But if you give it a chance, you can see tha it's a real gem.

6) Castlevania - When deciding on the best Castlevania game, it's like deciding on the best Led Zeppelin Album. The first one started the whole thing so, it should get credit.

5) Tecmo Bowl - Quite frankly, its the best football video game ever. I know it may seem simple by today's standards, but that's the real beauty of it. You don't have to memorize and entire playbook and 100 different button combinations to enjoy it.

4) Contra - The mother of all codes: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B. A, Start. If you didn't know that code, you couldn't have called yourself a gamer.

3) Super Mario Bros - What hasn't been said about this game? The game might have single handedly saved the home video game console. After Atari bombed, Nintendo needed something like this.

2) The Legend of Zelda - It influenced countless other games. It was the first game to have its own battery backup. No more passwords to write down. You felt like you were actually inside the game.

1) Super Mario Bros. 3 - The game was the perfect lead in to the new generation consoles and showed where video gaming was going.

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