Thursday, January 1, 2009

Understanding Corporate Credit

By Mary Bush

One of the most common misconceptions relating to corporate credit is that it works just like personal credit. In many was it does but there are also some significant differences that you need to be aware of. Understanding them will help you to get the most benefit from the corporate credit that you secure.

Just like personal credit it can be hard to establish at first. You will also have a business credit rating and score. So paying your bills on time and not having a high balance on available sources of credit such as credit cards and lines of credit is very important. You also want to keep a very close eye on your corporate credit to make sure it hasn't been compromised.

Of course that is just the beginning of things so don't give yourself too big of a pat on the back just yet. Do you know what is on your business credit report? At least once a year you should be examining it very thoroughly. You don't want to become the victim of identity theft, in house theft, or even data entry errors that can occur with credit bureaus. All of these scenarios can be very time consuming and problematic for you to resolve.

You need to let lenders know you are very serious about establishing your business for the long haul. They have seen their share of fly by night ones that they aren't going to be comfortable otherwise. While you are establishing your corporate credit this is vital to your success. Be confident and passionate when you talk to them and show them your plans on paper. Being incorporated is also a step in the right direction.

Make sure all of your ducks are in a row when it comes to what they lender will need. They don't want to have to walk you by the hand through everything. They won't take you serious if you aren't prepared or you don't have any confidence in your abilities. Be assertive and take the time to ask questions. Don't get yourself involved in something due to not paying attention.

It can take a long time from when you apply for corporate credit though to get an approval. This is why you need to apply for it before you need it. That is the opposite of what we are have learned about personal credit though. You should also start out with easier types of corporate credit. A line of credit and a credit card even with low limits that are in your business name are only the foundation for you to build upon.

Think carefully before you access the corporate credit that you have been extended. You don't want to blow that open door shut with boards and nails deep into it. Prepare for unexpected expenses and strive to keep overhead low. This way you can depend on profits to be there. Some businesses bring in a ton of money but then they have so much going back out they are in trouble with their finances.

The more you understand about these aspects of corporate credit the easier applying for it, accessing it, and caring for it will be. Good decisions in the area of corporate credit are vital to your overall success. This should always be something you keep a close watch over regardless of the type of business you operate or how much money you make from your operation.

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