Friday, January 30, 2009

Meditation: How it Works and What are the Benefits

By Barbara Olson

Meditating really does work; it has been scientifically proven. There are many benefits of meditation. Ones state of mind is cleared and relaxed as is their body. This is beneficial in inspired dilemma solving. You gain a better access into the sub-conscious places of your mind, which makes real change in yourself an achievable goal.

Many doctors are prescribing meditation for lowering blood pressure, improving exercise routines in patients with angina, it can help asthma patients breathe easier, and it can help to reduce insomnia and it is used to relax the daily stresses of life. Meditation is a harmless and easy way to balance a person's emotional, physical, and mental states. As easy as it is; it can give great benefits to everybody.

Meditation has been used for healing for centuries. Meditation dates back to ancient and diverse cultures and to many people all over the world. It came about by religions using it to help them reach enlightenment or getting closer to GOD. Nearly all religions use some form of meditation. The significance of Meditation to help relieve suffering and help in the healing process has been understood and utilized for thousands of years.

It works because as you focus on something specific, such as a candle, or a picture either real or mental, it brings a relaxation over you as you block out all of the things in your mind and in your surroundings. You can sit, lay, or any other position that you find comfortable. You start by tensing your muscles and then as you slowly breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth you relax each muscle group starting from the feet and working your way up, or starting up and working your way down.

Meditation works because it allows your body to de-stress, by relaxing. It has many health benefits as have been previously mentioned. If you have a stressful life, and you know that there is a factor for heart disease in your family, this is a good thing for you to do to help keep your body in-tune and you will not have to go through the many problems that others may face due to stress that are out of control.

Meditation can help you spiritually, by letting you spend this time focusing on your beliefs. This was the original use of meditation, but it also calms the souls as they say. This is the outlet to expel you bad feelings and let in the good ones.

Meditation is an important part of many religions. They feel that it brings them closer to GOD and that it enlightens them on their path in this life. This is how it started, and is continued being used in this way today. Now it is also being used by physicians for its health benefits.

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