People in the west seeking healing and spiritual health have increasingly turned to the wisdom of Eastern traditional medicine. The use of acupuncture to balance the bodys chakras combines the insights of two ancient traditions of medicine: Chinese and Indian healing. In Indian healing traditions, including Ayurvedic medicine, the chakras (from a Sanskrit word meaning wheel of light) are energy centres in the body. The joining together of the two systems adds another dimension to alternative therapies. This way of healing embraces both diagnosis and treatment and can be supplemented by aromatherapy.
Indian and Ayruvedic medicine recognize seven main chakras, though these seven are just the most important among many energy points in the body. The seven key chakras are aligned vertically, along the spine, from the groin to the top of the head. On the head are the crown and third eye chakras. Further important chakras are located in the throat, the heart, spleen and solar plexus regions. The final chakra is the root chakra, located in the groin area. The chakras are foci of spiritual energy that can be correlated with the organs that are important in the Chinese philosophy of medicine. Each chakra is linked to different spiritual energies. For example, the second, third and fifth chakras relate to sexuality, spiritual vitality, individual power and creative achievement respectively.
Traditional Chinese and Indian medicine both focus on energy flow within the body as well as the external positive and negative energy fields that surround us. Unblocking the energy flow through the channels, or meridians, within the body and managing the energy forces without are the key to restoring health and emotional balance. Chinese healers call this energy qi, and see it as comprising the positive and negative energies of yin and yang. Chakra healing and acupuncture share the common goal of restoring balance and re-energizing the body and spirit.
Chakra acupuncture brings together the power of the two systems. Acupuncture needles inserted at the chakra locations are believed to achieve the aim of revitalizing the life forces and unblocking the energy channels.
The philosophy of aromatherapy, using essential oils, complements Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine still further. The oil can be inhaled, applied to the hands or feet, matched to the particular chakra that needs re-balancing or simply placed within the patients energy field. The specific oil used may also be chosen according to principles of color therapy, with different colors corresponding to different chakras and their particular energies. Different oils also have differing energizing effects.
Chakra acupuncture is a holistic option that is a favoured path to healing for many people in search of spiritual balance. It is a drug-free way of looking after our emotional and physical selves that recognizes the connectedness of mind and body and treats both entities together.
Indian and Ayruvedic medicine recognize seven main chakras, though these seven are just the most important among many energy points in the body. The seven key chakras are aligned vertically, along the spine, from the groin to the top of the head. On the head are the crown and third eye chakras. Further important chakras are located in the throat, the heart, spleen and solar plexus regions. The final chakra is the root chakra, located in the groin area. The chakras are foci of spiritual energy that can be correlated with the organs that are important in the Chinese philosophy of medicine. Each chakra is linked to different spiritual energies. For example, the second, third and fifth chakras relate to sexuality, spiritual vitality, individual power and creative achievement respectively.
Traditional Chinese and Indian medicine both focus on energy flow within the body as well as the external positive and negative energy fields that surround us. Unblocking the energy flow through the channels, or meridians, within the body and managing the energy forces without are the key to restoring health and emotional balance. Chinese healers call this energy qi, and see it as comprising the positive and negative energies of yin and yang. Chakra healing and acupuncture share the common goal of restoring balance and re-energizing the body and spirit.
Chakra acupuncture brings together the power of the two systems. Acupuncture needles inserted at the chakra locations are believed to achieve the aim of revitalizing the life forces and unblocking the energy channels.
The philosophy of aromatherapy, using essential oils, complements Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine still further. The oil can be inhaled, applied to the hands or feet, matched to the particular chakra that needs re-balancing or simply placed within the patients energy field. The specific oil used may also be chosen according to principles of color therapy, with different colors corresponding to different chakras and their particular energies. Different oils also have differing energizing effects.
Chakra acupuncture is a holistic option that is a favoured path to healing for many people in search of spiritual balance. It is a drug-free way of looking after our emotional and physical selves that recognizes the connectedness of mind and body and treats both entities together.
About the Author:
Ready to find your own balance? Deborah Lindholm is a Serenity Empowerment Coach that shows you how to awaken your Inner Power Source to live an empowered life every single day. Download free pre-recorded telecasts, grab your 5 Simple Steps To Get What You Really, Really Want report and more here: Free Stuff at Serenity Matters.
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