Monday, December 1, 2008

Sleeping is a Must!

By Christian Goodman

It's interesting to consider how our lives are divided up into thirds. We get one third of our lifetime for nothing more than sleep.

The rest of the time is spent laughing, loving, crying, cooking, working, blog writing and so forth.

But it's the night time that is so critically important to our well being. Our bodies were designed for rest. Our physical systems do all kinds of marvelous things when we sleep.

So much of our good health depends upon adequate sleep. Our cognitive processes certainly need it as well as other systems.

It is common knowledge that inadequate sleep can cause real damage especially over time. Americans tends not to get nearly enough sleep.

It's not that people don't want to sleep. Unfortunately huge numbers of Americans face insomnia.

There seem to be more types of over the counter and prescription sleeping pills than ever before.

The discovery of the next great sleeping pill is also nearly everywhere we look. We see it on television, in the neighborhood drug stores, even billboards.

Researchers are figuring out that the sleeping environment can play a major role in working through insomnia as an alternative to pills.

Younger generations tend to fall into a deep sleep much faster than older ones. Sleep can become much more elusive as we age.

Darkness can certainly give us an advantage when trying to drift off at night. And a comfortable bed with enough cover to keep us warm is essential. It is equally important to make certain that your sleeping environment has the right noise setting.

For some, it must be deathly quiet while others would be bothered by that void when a drip or tapping of the night becomes a ticking bomb.

There is a lot of variety to be found in the sleeping sounds now available to people. Ocean waves, rain forests, heart beats are just a few.

Learning the sounds that work best for us, and then recording and reproducing them has proven effective in helping some. So consider this, one significant resource for a future night of sound sleeping may just be a noise maker.

It's true and I know it personally. A number of people have been testing my new method for insomnia. Everyone has reported some improvement in getting and staying asleep and most no longer suffer at all.

That's more than even I dreamed of.

I will be releasing my new program shortly so be on the look out for my emails.


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