Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Saving For a Rainy Day

By Mary Bush

With the constant stories in the news that the economy is heading for a serious slow down, the pressures on businesses all over the world are acute, and being able to handle any future economic problems is vital to the survival of your business. Despite what you might have heard in the news, it is never too late to prepare for the worst, and by taking a few steps now, you will maximise the chances of your business being able to weather the storm and come out stronger at the other side. The most effective way of preparing for any slowdown is to increase your reserves of cash, and ensure that it is working as hard as possible for you. By putting a specific amount aside each month into a special business deposit account, your company will soon be able to build up a nest egg of funds that can be called upon in an emergency.

By saving money in various operations throughout your business, you will be able to set aside more cash for tougher times. Review all your regular outgoings and see which you can change. Many business current accounts charges for day to day activities such as depositing cheques and handling payments, so look around for one that offers you these services free. With a business that handles a lot of cash and cheques, the costs of a current account can build up relatively quickly.

When you have sorted out your various business banking arrangements to make sure that you aren't paying over the odds for services, and are getting the best return on surplus funds in your account, you should look at other areas that can be rationalised. Look at the cost of any borrowing, and also review the payment and credit terms that you offer to customers. Of course the earlier your customers pay will ensure that you have funds in your account rather than theirs, and allow you to earn, rather than paying interest.

If you have the capacity within your business to create a financial safety net by saving money each month on the cost of different aspects of the commercial side of your operations and through carefully reviewing the prices that you charge, you will be able to increase your overall margins, and ensure that your company gets into a very strong financial position.

One thing that is essential to remember when putting together any form of internal investment plan for your company is that you should always bear in mind the current market reality and ensure that you do not over save - that is to say, you keep one eye on your essential outgoings to cover them in the event that you concentrate on how much you can put aside rather than how much you are earning on a day to day basis.

Whatever you do to weather the storm, remember that prudent planning and a considered approach to your finances will have better long term benefits for your business than making hasty decisions that could act against the interests of your company in the long run.

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