Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Most Popular Sporting Events to Travel To

By Amy Nutt

Traveling to sporting events is a way of life for many individuals. A person picks a particular sport they're interested in and they follow it religiously. The most popular of these sports include American football, basketball, baseball, soccer, and hockey. Each one of these sports consists of an event in which thousands upon thousands of people attend and millions more watch on TV. Then there is the ultimate event, which is the Olympics. The Olympics is the creme de la creme of sporting events because it consists of a myriad of sporting events that many individuals love and can even book Vancouver hotel packages and tickets to.

Popular world championships

Of the most important sporting events that people travel to is the World Cup Soccer Tournament. Millions upon millions of people enjoy watching this event live and on television. Some of the most talented athletes play soccer and the game itself is rather exciting to watch. One just never knows what is going to happen, which is one of the reasons why the sport has grown to worldwide popularity.

In the United States, the Super Bowl is the most popular sporting event. It consists of two teams that have played through a series of bowl games in order to make it to the ultimate prize. Thousands show up to this event and millions watch on television. The halftime show is known for exciting moments and big superstars.

The NBA's Final Four Tournament is watched religiously by many basketball lovers. Many individuals use charts to predict who is going to make it to the Final Four. The Final Four is one team from each region of the United States. Eventually, it is narrowed down to two teams who play for the national championship.

The World Series is another very popular worldwide event. The World Series consists of the best baseball teams in the world competing for that one goal. That goal is to win the world championship title. This shows that baseball is more than just an "All-American Game."

The last event that many travel to is the Hockey World Championships. Again, this is a world championship that many in the United States, Canada, and various other countries attend. The best in the world compete for the ultimate title of "World Champions."

The Olympics

The Olympics is the most watched event and has the highest live attendance throughout the course of the event. Many countries from around the world compete in both the summer and the winter Olympics. Some of the sports such as basketball and hockey are commonly televised sports. However, there are other sports such as track and field, volleyball, swimming, and softball that aren't usually televised as much. Gymnastics doesn't see as much television time either, so the Olympics provides an opportunity for individuals to watch those sports they enjoy but do not normally get to see. This makes the Olympics a treat.

Fortunately, people are able to travel to an Olympic event every two years. That's because there is a 4 year gap between the Winter Olympics and a 4 year gap between the Summer Olympics. This causes both Olympic events to stagger, allowing people to enjoy the games every two years and book their Vancouver experience packages well in advance.

Fun for everyone

When it comes to sporting events, they are fun for everyone. With such events as the Olympics, there is always a sporting event that everyone enjoys watching. It is refreshing to see the teamwork and more so to watch your team win the game. Winning produces a feeling of elation for the athletes and does the same for the fans routing them on. That's why everyone should pick a favorite sport and a favorite team at some point in their life.

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