In order to find the right credit card you need to assess your spending and repayment habits, as this will help to determine which credit card is right for your needs.
Amongst the many credit card types you can select from are cash back cards, interest free cards, balance transfer cards, reward cards, and adverse credit history cards.
Cardholders that will use their card often and pay back the full balance each month may find that the most suitable card is a cash back or rewards based card. This is because the more you spend on the card the more you will earn in terms of rewards or cash back but by repaying the balance in full on a monthly basis you will avoid interest charges.
If you prefer to make smaller monthly repayments and clear your balance bit by bit then you should look for a good deal on a 0% purchase credit card. With these 0% purchase credit cards cardholders can enjoy a far longer interest free period, with some lenders offering up to twelve months or more to clear the balance without being charged interest.
For those with damaged credit the choice is not all that great. If you have a poor credit history or rating your only option may be an adverse credit credit card and these are offered by only a couple of lenders. If you do opt for one of these cards consider the interest rate, which can be extremely high on these cards, and often there is a very low credit limit.
Another credit card option is the balance transfer card, and you can choose from a 0% balance transfer card or a life of balance transfer card. The 0% balance transfer card allows you to transfer balances from existing credit cards and then repay over a specified period of time without being charged interest, although you will usually be charged a fee of 2-3% of the total amount you are transferring
On the other hand the life of balance transfer credit card does not charge transfer fees, but you will be charged interest at a very low rate on the transferred balance until it has been paid off.
As you can see the wide choice of credit cards available on the market these days means that it is not as difficult as you might think to find the right credit card for your needs. With a little thought and research, and with the help of the Internet you can find a credit card that offers real value for money based on your needs.
If you go online to search for the card that best suits your needs you will be able to browse and compare with speed and convenience, and you can even submit your application online.
Amongst the many credit card types you can select from are cash back cards, interest free cards, balance transfer cards, reward cards, and adverse credit history cards.
Cardholders that will use their card often and pay back the full balance each month may find that the most suitable card is a cash back or rewards based card. This is because the more you spend on the card the more you will earn in terms of rewards or cash back but by repaying the balance in full on a monthly basis you will avoid interest charges.
If you prefer to make smaller monthly repayments and clear your balance bit by bit then you should look for a good deal on a 0% purchase credit card. With these 0% purchase credit cards cardholders can enjoy a far longer interest free period, with some lenders offering up to twelve months or more to clear the balance without being charged interest.
For those with damaged credit the choice is not all that great. If you have a poor credit history or rating your only option may be an adverse credit credit card and these are offered by only a couple of lenders. If you do opt for one of these cards consider the interest rate, which can be extremely high on these cards, and often there is a very low credit limit.
Another credit card option is the balance transfer card, and you can choose from a 0% balance transfer card or a life of balance transfer card. The 0% balance transfer card allows you to transfer balances from existing credit cards and then repay over a specified period of time without being charged interest, although you will usually be charged a fee of 2-3% of the total amount you are transferring
On the other hand the life of balance transfer credit card does not charge transfer fees, but you will be charged interest at a very low rate on the transferred balance until it has been paid off.
As you can see the wide choice of credit cards available on the market these days means that it is not as difficult as you might think to find the right credit card for your needs. With a little thought and research, and with the help of the Internet you can find a credit card that offers real value for money based on your needs.
If you go online to search for the card that best suits your needs you will be able to browse and compare with speed and convenience, and you can even submit your application online.
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