Tuesday, December 30, 2008

International Auto Transport To Africa

By katie George

If you're moving a car to Africa, it is vital that you become familiar with the various laws and regulations in Africa. For example, some African countries restrict the import of vehicles from certain countries of manufacture.

Other African nations have strict requirements and customs regulations. For example, international auto shipping into South Africa requires a letter of authority from the South African Bureau of Standards, whether the car is new or used, regardless of its country of origin and irrespective of whether it is a passenger or commercial vehicle. You will also need to obtain an import permit from the International Trade Administration Commission. The permit will not be sent outside of Africa, so an African address (usually a permanent address in South Africa) is essential for receiving the permit.

Duty fees vary according to make, model, year, country of manufacture and nation of origin. Like many other regions, there is an additional value added tax on imported cars. Duties may be waived for those choosing permanent residence in Africa. Official documents must be shown as proof in order to receive this duty exemption.

Duty fees are the responsibility of the vehicle owner and internation auto shipping companies are not authorized to resolve the duty obligations on your behalf. However, the company should be able to provide all the information you will need to be prepared to handle the duty fees and customs process quickly and painlessly.

When shipping your car to Africa, make sure the international auto shipping transporter you use has copies of all keys to the car and the original title. You car must be in good working condition with no fluid leaks. You should make sure to clear out any personal items from the vehicle, especially electronics, as they could cause customs delays and even potentially lead to entry to Africa for your car being denied.

Be especially sure to remove any personal documents from the vehicle to prevent fraud and theft. Make sure the automobile's gasoline tank is only one quarter, or less, full. Be cautious and check on the registration and licensing requirements for your country of origin, as they can vary greatly from country to country. It would not make to sense to use international auto shipping to send your car to Africa if you are not prepared to be a road legal driver!

When your car arrives in Africa, you should be contacted by your international shipper to make you aware of your car's safe arrival, providing photos of the cars and any paperwork needed to collect your vehicle, including dock receipts and confirmation numbers. International auto shipping is a very competitive business and your shipper will be prepared to do whatever they can to ensure that your delivery experience is pleasant and hassle-free.

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