There's no denying it: Wacky laws are everyplace. No state is immunized to primitive regulations and regulations, and some may be saw reasoned even if they don't make much sense. Since you wouldn't want to check the law while delighting some "R&R" on your next family vacation place, we'll train you on some of the lighter (and stranger) of these oddball laws.
No Carry Wrasslin' Here!
If you jerk the system of rules and try to wrestle Smokey to the establish external of one of the many Alabama resorts, you'll be slapped with a case that says you've concerned in improper take exploitation.
Hire the Auto... Just Don't Spit Spittle Out the Window
please make particular no one in your vehicle settles to spattered out their window while you look at the beautiful scenery on your mode to your Georgia living accommodations, as you could be fined.
Kids for Sale? Not Existing!
Assured, your children might get on your nerves during your family beach holiday, but that's no cause to sell them. Besides, in Florida, trying to get money for your offspring is strictly against the law.
You Wouldn't Daring!
Once there, don't dare two persons to get tied. The mates can actually file for an annulment if your dare was the main impulse for their vows.
Braying Bath Time
Maybe you're not the case to keep an elephant... maybe you're a donkey fan alternatively. Just have an alternate plan for wash your grinding pal if you're staying in Georgia. Rinsing the four-footed supporter in a bathtub is impermissible there.
Below the Boardwalk? Don't Strip!
Rehoboth Beach is a modern family vacation spot, but if you're there, don't interchange your garments under the boardwalk. Although it might seem a natural determination, it's a big no-no. In fact, you aren't even doubtful to remove your bathing suit in a public restroom. Do it in your hotel room alternatively.
Dominoes? Not Today!
It's Sunday... and you want to play a game of dominoes while resting at your Alabama holiday resort. But stop before you open that game board. This day of the week is dominoes-free.
Stubbly and Strapless? You May Be in Trouble!
Guys, as pretty as your strapless evening gowns might be, it's illegal to wear them in public in Florida. Parade all around your Florida condo suites if you'd like; just don't let those covered beauties be seen in a public forum.
I Call Out, You Scream... But We Can't Carry the Cone in Our Pockets Today
Last, one state actually takes the cake (and ice cream, too) for wackiest law on the books. In the Peach State, it's absolutely dandy to hold an ice cream cone in your back pocket Monday through Saturday; yet don't try it on the Sabbath Day. That's against the law.
No Carry Wrasslin' Here!
If you jerk the system of rules and try to wrestle Smokey to the establish external of one of the many Alabama resorts, you'll be slapped with a case that says you've concerned in improper take exploitation.
Hire the Auto... Just Don't Spit Spittle Out the Window
please make particular no one in your vehicle settles to spattered out their window while you look at the beautiful scenery on your mode to your Georgia living accommodations, as you could be fined.
Kids for Sale? Not Existing!
Assured, your children might get on your nerves during your family beach holiday, but that's no cause to sell them. Besides, in Florida, trying to get money for your offspring is strictly against the law.
You Wouldn't Daring!
Once there, don't dare two persons to get tied. The mates can actually file for an annulment if your dare was the main impulse for their vows.
Braying Bath Time
Maybe you're not the case to keep an elephant... maybe you're a donkey fan alternatively. Just have an alternate plan for wash your grinding pal if you're staying in Georgia. Rinsing the four-footed supporter in a bathtub is impermissible there.
Below the Boardwalk? Don't Strip!
Rehoboth Beach is a modern family vacation spot, but if you're there, don't interchange your garments under the boardwalk. Although it might seem a natural determination, it's a big no-no. In fact, you aren't even doubtful to remove your bathing suit in a public restroom. Do it in your hotel room alternatively.
Dominoes? Not Today!
It's Sunday... and you want to play a game of dominoes while resting at your Alabama holiday resort. But stop before you open that game board. This day of the week is dominoes-free.
Stubbly and Strapless? You May Be in Trouble!
Guys, as pretty as your strapless evening gowns might be, it's illegal to wear them in public in Florida. Parade all around your Florida condo suites if you'd like; just don't let those covered beauties be seen in a public forum.
I Call Out, You Scream... But We Can't Carry the Cone in Our Pockets Today
Last, one state actually takes the cake (and ice cream, too) for wackiest law on the books. In the Peach State, it's absolutely dandy to hold an ice cream cone in your back pocket Monday through Saturday; yet don't try it on the Sabbath Day. That's against the law.
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