Saturday, November 1, 2008

Home-Based Business Is a Scary Concept

By Pavel Becker

A business owner--a guy who owns his own thing. That person that radiates a feeling of wealth, freedom from having to report to a boss, freedom from having to go to work, a guy driving that nice car and living in that nice house. We say about him: "Sure, he can afford it, he has his own business!" or "Obviously, he runs his own business!"

We are absolutely comfortable explaining somebody's successes by this "having his own business"-thing, and, yet, the idea of becoming one of this people terrifies us like nothing else.

But you're not alone. Pull a couple of your friends aside and try and talk them into running a home-based business. They'll come up with a dozen reasons why they can't do it and a dozen more why you shouldn't try either. The standard response is "it's a good idea, but it will never work."

Why do we act this way? What happened in our past that we've become so conditioned to fail? Why is the failure so obvious and understandable for us? When has it become a default outcome of any situation?

There are a couple of aspects to the problem.

Our system of teaching, the Prussian System, trains us-whether we realize it or not-to be good emploees. It gives us the skills and molds our minds to work for someone else!

All through our school years, even up through university, we are taught to be upright citizens within society, to conform and find a job, waste the next four or five decades toiling away for a boss who doesn't really care about us. The only thing we're working for is a retirement that will allow us simply exist without bumming money from our loved ones.

We learn to see the only possible course for our life to take is work for someone else, to please our employers, and hope that they will reward us for the work that we do.

We are told that there is nothing un-dignifying about that, quite opposite, receiving a pat on the back and a few bucks from your boss is a good thing, mainly because this is the only way to make a living.

Remember, when you were a kid, you were planning on becoming either an astronaut or a captain or a jet-pilot? So, how did you end up becoming an office worker or an insurance salesman?

We forget our dreams because we are repeatedly reminded that they are impractical. How can we make money doing those things? How can we support our families? How can we be productive members of society?

And when we do find ourselves stuck in a job we don't like, we see our only option is to endure the endless days and boredom while grumbling under our breath or to our fellow co-workers around the water cooler. Do you want your children to follow in those footsteps?

That's what your parents taught you, that's what your kids will teach their kids unless somebody in this chain will have enough balls to break the cycle and to turn things around.

If you want to take control of your future and be able to live the life you've always wanted, the first step is becoming your own boss.

Scary thought, isn't it? Of course it is but that's only because you've never done anything like that before. You've never thought about becoming a businessperson.

Those fears are doubled when the business is an Internet-based one. Are the good things you hear all exaggeration? Are the bad things all true?

That's where we retreat into our own little "comfort zones."

What is the one way we learn anything?

There is only one way - repetition. Remember, you try to write, it looks awful in the beginning, but you keep re-writing the same word over and over and become good at it. By now you don't even think how to do it, you just know.

That's the same way you learned to talk, to read, to play, and even to make money.

Repetition makes us who we are as well.

If every aspect of your job makes you cringe: going in early, staying late, putting up with bad situations and garbage from your boss and co-workers-you're not alone! You say to yourself that things are only temporary, that'll you find something better, but it never does.

One day you realize that you've become a typical representative of people of your occupation: a guy driving particular car, eating particular food, dressing at a particular store, the guy whose income level is whatever it is, $45,000 a year, plus or minus 10 - 15%.

Through repetition you learn action, behavior, and thoughts that will define you for the rest of your life. Your actions, behavior, and thoughts will separate the world into two parts: familiar and not familiar.

You become comfortable with the familiar things and the unfamiliar things cause anxiety by releasing a burst of adrenalin into your bloodstream.

Even tiny amounts of adrenalin can influence your decision making. Think of it as chemical induced stress-avoidance behavior-it can run your life if you let it!

Tony Robbins once said, "It's in the moment of making a decision when the destiny is formed!"

It is that feeling of discomfort that comes from doing anything new that will keep you from stepping out of your routine and toward the life you really want to live.

Everyone you know will be a big help at keeping you in line as well.

Want to hear a strange statistic? A person's income is almost always the average of the incomes of their seven closest friends. That means that people don't generally hang out with people who make significantly less, or significantly more than they themselves do.

So, ask any of your friends (who is working 9 to 5 and making $45,000 a year) advise about starting a home based business and making a six-figure income. What kind of opinions do you think you will hear? You know it, "It's not going to work!"

The worst part is you'll take their opinion as fact, more often than not, because it represents the path of least resistance-it's much easier to keep doing what you are doing than to succeed at anything new.

"People are having hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of fear of the unknown they prefer suffering that is familiar." Thich Nhat Hanh wrote these words hundreds of years ago. Did he write it about you?

If you're truly contemplating what Global Resorts Network can do for you then you've probably done a lot of research, learned a little bit about Internet marketing and read or watched a ton of testimonials from people who have come before you but you're probably still worrying about all of the what-ifs. What if I can't get my business off the ground? What if something goes wrong? What if I lose money? What if I can never succeed?

Here is a story for you.

Before my first Tae Kwon Do tournament fight I went to my instructor, Master Shilkaitis, and told him that though I wanted to compete, but I wasn't sure that I was ready. He told me that I "would never feel one hundred percent ready. It's just a matter of finding the strength and desire to win and overcoming your fear."

I did compete and, with a spectacular roundhouse kick that left my opponent unconscious, I won third place. I was so nervous at the time that I can't even remember how it all happened.

I could go on and on with all the explanations and motivational speeches, but you know the concept already: it's a decision that you have to make consciously!

Hoping for change is not enough. Your life will not change unless you change it. Someone once said the definition of insanity is doing the same things over and over and again and still expecting to get a different result each time.

Change your life today!

It will be scary in the beginning, it will feel very uncomfortable and strange, but that's when you know that you are changing things!

Choose to live the life you want to live!

Next time you hear "Sure, he can afford it, he has his own business!" - it will be about you!

About the Author:

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