Saturday, November 1, 2008

Do home based businesses really work or they are all scams?

By Pavel Becker

Ask this question yourself and you might find answer like: "Yes they are for real, and mine is the best!" or maybe "No, they are all scams, except for this one" And who do you think is writing those answers?

All of this intentional confusion has given the impression that there are two types of businesses: "Real" ones, which require time, effort, and a significant up-front expense in order to become profitable, and "Home-based," or more often "web-based" ones where you can sit back, do nothing, and rake in money hand over fist. Most of the latter are dummy businesses set up by people trying to take your money and who will give you nothing in return. Those two businesses types overshadow everything in between.

Any business, whether it be a "real" business or one somebody starts from home or on the web need to be treated like businesses in order to succeed. After all, each must have a product or service for sale and consumers who want to buy that product or service.

Profit is only created when something is sold!

Nobody is going to give you millions of dollars because your business's name is catchy or because you're so darned adorable!

Dream on!

You don't buy a new car without checking it out first, do you? What if it turns out to be a lemon?

We are all aware about "scams," we are aware about "lemons," we are aware about the pot holes under the water - we still drive through them, just slower.

However, internet-based have several advantages over traditional business, such as extremely low overhead costs, a large pool of consumers to pull from, and the ability to delegate most all of the work to other people and let the business run on "auto-pilot." Regardless, if you want to make money, you still need to put the time and effort into making your business run smoothly.

Businesses don't turn a profit by themselves, the person behind the business makes it profitable.

Would you consider a dry-cleaner a scam artist? What about your local butcher? Why would you be so quick to dismiss internet entrepreneurs as such?

Whether you make money from home or not is in your hands and your hands only.

My experience has lead me to believe that I was born to be an internet marketer, but it's still hard work. There are no free handouts.

Ultimately, you need to figure out first if you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur, if you understand the consequences about being in charge and relying only on yourself - the risk is higher, but the reword is worth it!

Reading Robert Kiyosaki's book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" really helped me make the choice for myself. Maybe you should too.

Though you can make decent money working part time from home, don't expect to make millions if you're still holding down a fulltime job. Great success requires great commitment.

Home based businesses do work, there is nothing wrong with them. After all it's just another business, why wouldn't it work? But make sure you realize that you will have to work at it in order to succeed, like in any other business.

About the Author:

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