Saturday, November 1, 2008

Bonsai Seeds - Growing

By Mal Jazzers

Beginners buying a bonsai get them mostly at a early stage of development, and steadily, through learning as the bonsai matures, they know how to care for a tree properly. As their knowledge grows, so confidence does to, and they begin to move on to more advanced forms of bonsai, including using bonsai seeds.

Period Of Seed Dormancy.

Seeds, before they have a chance to grow, have to enter a period called dormancy, theres no set time limit on a seeds dormancy, it depends on the species as to when dormancy will end for your bonsai seeds. Some seeds like oak, may only be dormant from fall till spring, while others could last for 1 year to 18 months, like some pines.


During the cold winter, seeds will sit in the wet soil, and as it does so the elements, along with soil bacteria will soften the protective shell of the seed, as this happens it starts to encourage the seed to grow. It is possible to artificially do what nature herself does naturally, and that is induce growth from our bonsai seeds. .

Using Cold Stratification.

When you start planting your bonsai seeds during fall, you are starting natures natural own process, to help quicken this process we have to achieve the over winter period for the seed. This can be done indoors, and the term used is cold stratification, what this does is artificially prepare your bonsai seeds by puting them in containers, and then store them in your refrigerator, which acts like the normal winter period that your bonsai seeds will go through. Doing this will help break the dormancy period and lead to germination.

Sowing Seeds

Place your bonsai seeds into good soil within a container of good drainage, ensuring you space them 1/4 to 1/2 inch apart a little under the surface, check on them often during the months, making sure they are not drying out. All being well you should see signs of the first shoots showing up through the soil, your then on your way, but it will be several years before they develop in to bonsai trees.

Preparing Your Seeds.

Your bonsai seeds, as i spoke about above, may take some time to show signs of growing, so try to be patient. By using the right type of fertilization, with moderation, you can help the bonsai seeds along. Use in early spring once the soil starts warming up, untill about the middle of summer, using this ratio: 10 parts Nitrogen, 10 parts Phosphates, 10 parts Potassium. make sure to keep soil moist, but not over wet or soggy, or you will lose your bonsai seeds.

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