Monday, September 1, 2008

Six Break Up Warning Signs

By Marc Sandford

When a storm strikes, disaster hits, or anything that's just plain bad happens, there will always be signs of warning. It's certainly a cliche to hear people say: "why didn't we listen to the warning signs". This is true of bridge collapses, storms, political events, and of couples breaking up.

Be warned, if you're subject to paranoia, please skip this article. You must bear in mind that the points discussed here refer to changes in your partners behavior that was absent in the past. Likewise, the more points that are true for your relationship the more likely a breakup is imminent.

1.) Any changes recently in her affection for you? Does she avert her head when you want to kiss? This kind of change is a very serious sign that your relationship is in trouble.

Maybe she's still kissing you but the emotion is flat. Boredom is not the point being made, but rather, a dislike of expressing affection with you.

2.) Do you get the feeling that your partner is attempting to avoid contact with you? This type of conduct can be expressed in many ways but it all equates to her being elsewhere and inaccessible. The partner that's all but disappeared is cause for real concern.

This is an incredibly painful and demeaning situation to be caught in. She has virtually pushed you away and out of her life. Although you haven't officially broken up, you're basically there already.

3.) Does she fail to offer details about where she is going or the name of her friend? Often this won't have any significance But if she won't tell the truth when you ask her then something is wrong.

4.) Is your partner coming across as remote, distant, distracted? She will be unusually quiet and not volunteer much if anything at all to your chats. This is fairly common behavior but when considered in light of other break up signals, it should not be dismissed.

5.) Is your partner starting to become unusually secretive? Not saying where she's going or quickly ending phone calls when you go into the same room? This sort of behavior is odd and you've got to ask yourself why?

6.) Has she lost enthusiasm for the favorite activities that you always did together? Perhaps she desires to do them alone or with a 'friend'. This signal is a warning of very deep problems.

Again, you must exercise some caution here. Use these tips if you already have a bad feeling about where your relationship is going. People have their quirks of behavior. Keep in mind that we're talking about a behavior change that isn't normal for her.

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