Monday, September 1, 2008

Repairing Your Laptop LCD

By Fred Roe

What happens when your relatively new laptop gets a crack in the LCD. Do you throw the thing away or can you get it fixed?

While in the past it was expensive and complicated to replace a laptop screen. With the advent of the internet, competitive pricing, detailed schematics and repair guides it's become simpler and more cost effective to replace a LCD screen than ever before.

The first thing you'll have to consider is the cost of the LCD screen replacement. Most laptop LCD screens replacements are priced between $150 and $300, with only the very high end screens costing $400 or more.

Your first stop in buying your LCD screen would be to look in places like Ebay or Craigslist. They often have very reasonably priced used screens or parts computers for sale. Next, using google shopping you can search the many stores who offer replacement LCD's.

The LCD itself is only one factor in the overall cost of replacing the screen. You'll have to consider what it takes to replace that screen. I highly recommend NOT doing it yourself. One inadvertent thumb in the wrong place can effectively ruin your laptop.

What you'll find if you use a computer repair technician who has experience in laptop repairs, is that they'll usually be able to complete the repair in an hour or less. Because each model is different, there are tens of thousands of variations of design and implementation, so your mileage may vary.

If for some reason you decide to attempt the repair yourself, you should start by trying to find the repair guide for your particular model. Doing an internet search for "laptop repair guide" should help you find different guides posted on the internet.

The replacement costs of the laptop should be considered against the cost of completely replacing the laptop. After all if your computer is more than two years old, most likely you can replace the entire laptop with a newer, faster machine for just a few hundred dollars more than the cost of the repair. If you have any questions about your laptop LCD replacement, feel free to email us.

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