Monday, September 1, 2008

Male Genital Warts Are Preventable And Treatable

By The Alternate Medic

Genital warts are the most common STD. If You have It you're not alone. There are many other males going through the same thing you're going through. Male genital warts are not only very stressful for the sufferer but they are ugly, which further increases the levels of stress. They are highly infectious and can be transmitted to other sexual partners by mere contact of the skin.

If you are already suffering from male genital warts, consider yourself fortunate, treatment is available and will make living with them a little more bearable. The first thing to do is to consult your doctor about your problem. Don't be embarrassed, the thing to keep in mind is that, for your own peace of mind, get your self treated. But more importantly think of the sexual health of all your future partners. If you need another reason to seek treatment, remember this, if left untreated, male genital warts can cause more serious problems, such as cancer. So make sure you get treated as soon as possible by visiting your doctor.

How Is Genital Warts Spread?

Male genital warts can be spread from direct physical contact with the skin. Male genital warts don't have to be visible in order to be contagious. That's what's so important to learn. Male genital warts can be so small that they can't be seen by the naked eye. You would need a microscope to see them. However, they may be there just the same and they can be contagious.

The best way to prevent spreading male genital warts is to use a condom each and every time you have sex. However, even condoms may not prevent the spread of the disease. That's why it's so important to get male genital warts treated, if you are sexually active and you do feel that you have them.

If you feel you have male genital warts, it's imperative that you get checked out by your doctor immediately. Your doctor will be the one to determine if you do in fact have the disease. If you do, there are treatment options. You can have the warts burned off with a laser, or they can be frozen off by using liquid nitrogen. Either of these procedures may leave scarring, however slight, but they are great ways to get rid of the genital warts. There are also creams and other treatments that still may be in their trial phases. Ask your doctor about these because, while they may not work for everyone, they may work for you.

Just know that you're not alone. Male genital warts effect many males. And it can lead to cancer if not treated effectively. So if you suspect that you have male genital warts, don't waste another minute. Get yourself checked out so that you can get rid of this unsightly and embarrassing sexually transmitted disease once and for all.

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