Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Legal Divorce Forms - Simplicity Itself

By Alan S. Redman

When pursuing a no contest, or no fault divorce, it is vital that your paperwork is presented correctly, and more importantly your States version of the divorce form.

This is quite a common problem, people believing that one legal divorce form fits all.

Now that all 50 states are involved in the no fault divorce option (with NY being the last to agree), a divorce can now be sorted out with little fuss, and you may not even need a lawyer if you are feeling brave.

There is not much paperwork involved, obviously check you have the right form, as you may be liable for fees for resubmission or corrections.

My divorce went simply enough, and some have said it went better than the wedding (if that's possible?). What made this easy was the fact that we had prepared thoroughly; we each knew what we were to take from the divorce, and I utilized a lawyer as I don't feel comfortable handling that sort of thing.

My wife (ex) was excellent and seemed at ease with the law and the locale. Whereas I was a total wreck; all sweat and terror, as I hate speaking in front of any formal gathering however informal they may try and make it seem.

We both walked away with 50% each of the spoils (as planned), and I had a small bill from the lawyer. And that was it.

This is not hard to do, and you can do it too. All it involves is a little confidence, som detailed research, some co-operation from your ex in the early days (by far the hardest part), and some of your time.

Is this too much to ask? You could walk away with your bank account, credibility and your new life in tact.

What a bargain for such a little outlay of your time and a few dollars.

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