Tuesday, September 30, 2008

I Want To Lose Weight Please!

By Henry John

Are you dying to lose those extra pounds that have accumulated round your middle? Are you filled with indecision as to what to do?. So what's the best way to get into shape?

Getting started in anything is always the hardest thing to do. A good idea is to sit down and examine what you are doing that made you put on all this extra weight in the first place.

There are probably many reasons why you've put on weight. You've probably got some pretty good excuses. Some of them might be valid, but the fact remains that you've got to do something about it. Are you prepared to get to grips with the problem? Are you prepared to really make a supreme effort?

If you have a sweet tooth you are going to have to give up the candy bars and the sandwiches, the full fat cheese and all those delicious cakes. You have to make yourself aware of all the things you think have contributed to your weight gain and cut them out.

Have you any idea how many calories there are in the food that you eat every day. Is it a lot of a little? You may think it's not much, but it may be much more than you think. Do you know how many calories you should take in every day? You need to be aware of these facts before you go any further or you are likely to make some fundamental mistakes.

There is one thing that you need to avoid and that is reducing you calorie intake dramatically. If you do you are going to put more weight on in the long-run.

This might be an embarrassing question, but do you know how much exercise you take in a week? Be honest now! It's not very much is it? Do you actually set out to take exercise every day? Is it something in your mind that you always do as a matter of routine?

Exercise is very important because it burns calories. It's also very good for you. We were not meant to sit around looking at television or playing computer games. Our bodies were meant to be used. It is certainly true that if you don't use it you lose it - something to remember! Losing weight effectively is about learning new habits, new slim habits that will help you to change. If you don't change, and are not prepared to change, no amount of dieting will ever result in permanent weight loss.

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