Monday, September 1, 2008

Banish Bad Breath Now

By Joaquin Summers

Feel Great Around Others

Those we associate closely with on an ongoing basis will respect us more if we have a pleasant breath and our teeth are nice and bright as they should be. You will also be more confident with others knowing you do not have to think anymore about how you can banish your bad breath.

Personal Experience's

In the past I was an employee of a large corporation, and I worked with someone who really was given good reasons to banish his bad breath. Other employees also had to work in quite close contact with this employee that didn't know he needed bad breath treatment. Of course we all did our best to maintain our distance from him as much as possible.

After about two weeks of his employment with us, one of my fellow employees went up to him and told him about he should banish his bad breath. Of course the employee felt insulted. A number of us spoke up and said to him, "You do have a oral problem, and it is very unpleasant working with you." The employee resisted admitting there was a problem.

The supervisor knew what was going on and decided he needed to get the bad breath situation resolved. Basically he told the man who needed to banish his bad breath, that if he wanted to continue working with the company he had to find treatment for his bad breath. The solution to this was amazingly simple. The man with bad breath was always eating strong smelling foods like onions and garlic. A simple change to the foods he ate while at work and he did indeed banish his bad breath.

Usual Non Serious Causes

Sometimes we can get bad breath simply from the foods we eat. Smoking is another cause of oral odors that can be most unpleasant. Not cleaning the surface of our teeth and especially in between our teeth can also create a very unpleasant breath.

More Serious Personal Reasons For Needing Bad Breath Treatment

Persistent smelly breath can be a precursor to more serious oral and general overall health problems. The same germs and plaque that builds up in your arteries and heart, is also found in gum swelling and tooth decay.


A medical condition called Halitosis can become quite serious if not treated. A dentist may send a patient with Halitosis to a physician to deal with a bodily cause.


Very nasty substances called Ketones can ooze from the body in the form of perspiration, urine, and also when you exhale. Ketones can result in Halitosis if these chemicals build up in the body. This condition can occur if there is inadequate carbohydrate intake, if a person has diabetes, or has been starving for food. You won't find better reasons then these to banish your bad breath and seek bad breath treatment. Hopefully you will never have to find a solution for a serious case of Halitosis or seriously think about how you are going to banish your bad breath.

Banish Bad Breath By Lifestyle Changes

Usually having an unpleasant breath sometimes is not really a cause for concern. Your friends may disagree with me though. Using common sense daily in your life... flossing between your teeth after you eat; brushing your teeth, gums, and even your tongue... will keep those nasty germs and plaque build up to a minimum. So banish your bad breath and your friends won't think about banishing you from their life or maybe saying you need bad breath treatment.

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