Friday, August 29, 2008

A New Form of MLM

By Xerge Rio

Network Marketing is the business of selling PRODUCTS/SERVICES to people. That is the way it works. It has grown that way too.

Now, here's a Fresh mentality: Rather of simply marketing products/services to people, why don't you also market thoughts, concepts and prosperity INTO individuals.

I can hear you saying "I'm disoriented, What do you mean by that?" What I mean is that maybe there should be a healthier way of growing your downline. A much better way.

Perhaps that's how that was supposed to be from the beginning. But maybe the MLM world at large wasn't ready for that. Or could it be that there was no leader capable of accomplishing anything of lasting value?

How about raising the person's ability to BE so that they can then DO and finally HAVE what they want?

How about raising their self-image? How about selling people back to themselves?

And lastly - for now - How about creating a SYSTEM that gives individuals all the POWER they have lost throughout the years?

In my belief, humble opinion, there's something you want to check immediately.

Go and talk to your mentor, your upline,or whoever is responsable for your development along with you and tell him that the time for a change has come: You demand to increase your (BE), know what you are able of, in order to get into action (DO) so you can get what your waiting for: downline growth (HAVE)

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