Thursday, July 31, 2008

10 Best World of Warcraft Gold Farming Strategies

By Jim Wapp

I have played World of Warcraft for more than 3 years. Throughout the years, I came up with some great gold farming techniques that I use to farm WoW gold.

1. It's been mentioned many times, but if you are just starting the WoW, your first character need to take on gathering professions. In my opinion, Mining and Herbalism are two of the most profitable at this time.

2. Vendor all the 'grey' items (duh!) you find while leveling, send the rest to an alternative character, and post them onto the Auction House.

3. Save all your level 40+ greens, tip an Enchanter to disenchant them. Dusts and Shards currently sell very well, and I only see this trend increasing with the Wrath of the Lich King due to arrive soon.

4. Using addons such as Gatherer and Auctioneer.

5. Supply your goods from your gathering professions to crafters in top guilds on your server. Doing this will guarantee sales and you eliminate the Auction House cut.

6. When Mining, keep in mind that Silver and Tin shares a spawning node; Gold and Iron shares another one; and the same applies for Truesilver and Mithril. For example, if you are only looking for Gold Ores, you MUST mine all the iron nodes as well because this will increase the overall Gold Node spawns.

7. If you are a more advanced player, jump on the new profession Inscription when Wrath of the Lich King comes out. I made the mistake of not choosing Jewelcrafting when Burning Crusade launched. It was too late when I realized how profitable a new profession is, especially in the beginning when there is very little competition.

8. Prior to a WoW Seasonal event, purchase or farm items that are needed during these events. During certain times of the years, prices of certain items skyrocket. This is an excellent time to reap in the profits.

9. Understanding supply and demand. There is a given supply for every item in World of Warcraft, and there are also a given number of people looking for that item (demand).

Let's look at this example, a server with 85% population being level 70s, the prices of some lower level items might be insanely high, this is because not only are these items in demand by lower level players, but also high level player's alts. Depending on the item, they could also be in demand as mats for leveling professions.

10. WoW is very fair, there is no single way to farm the most gold, there are many! Just find the way that suits your play style the most and enjoy your way of gold farming. It's a game after all!

These 10 World of Warcraft Gold Tips and Strategies have worked great for me, I hope you learned something from them.

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